I have decided to put this sign when the post is a "blogging about blogging" , so that anyone who hates it need not procede. I promise that you will not see a lot of this warning in my site.
I am happy! I can see more bloggers from India than I can keep track of. I remember only 2 months back when I was struggling to find any fellow countrymen in the blogworld. I was majorly into bloghopping then and was actually surprised to see that number of Indians into blogging are very few. It was so small that in around 10 minutes, I could finish reading almost all the Indian blogs. Seems a good lot of us have discovered blogging in last one month or two. And the number of people is growing big enough that I no longer find time enough to surf all the blogs everyday. Thats great going. I just hope that none of the bloggers get tired of it soon, a danger lot of beginners and even old bloggers always face. Let me wish great going for every Indian blogger!
For anyone who wants to see a list of Indian bloggers: